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Tulane Global Team 
& Committees

Tulane global map


Laila Hlass

Laila Hlass
Associate Provost for 
International Affairs


Wade Wootan

Wade Wootan
Director of Global Operations


Ana Villar

Ana Villar-Prados
Sr. Program Manager for
Travel & Engangement

Frank Calabrese

Frank Calabrese
Director - Office of International
Students & Scholars

International Affairs Advisory Committee

The International Affairs Advisory Committee is chaired by the Associate Provost for International Affairs and makes recommendations regarding Tulane's priorities, policies, and practices for global engagement.

ChairLaila L. HlassAssociate Provost for International Affairs and Associate Professor, School of Law
Tulane GlobalFrank CalabreseDirector, Office of International Students & Scholars (OISS)
Academic Affairs & ProvostKady LambAssistant Provost for Finance and Operations
Undergraduate AdmissionShawn AbbottVice President for Enrollment Management and Dean of Admission

School of Architecture

School of Business
Mauricio GonzalezExecutive Director, Goldring Institute
School of BusinessMichael YestAssociate Dean of Undergraduate Education
Law SchoolHerbert V. Larson, Jr.
Director, International Legal and Graduate Programs
Law SchoolMallory AspAssistant Director, International Legal & Graduate Programs
Newcomb Tulane CollegeCasey LoveAssociate Dean and Director, Center for Global Education
Public HealthRichard A OberhelmanAssociate Dean for Global Health
Margaret W. and Eamon M. Kelly Distinguished Chair in International Development
Professor, Dept. of Tropical Medicine
School of Liberal ArtsKathy JackAssociate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, Professor of Anthropology
School of Liberal ArtsRoxanne DavilaAssociate Dean for Language Initiatives /
Interim Associate Dean of Curriculum
Stone Center for Latin American StudiesThomas ReeseExecutive Director, Stone Center for Latin American Studies
Stone Center for Latin American StudiesValerie McGinleyAssociate Director, Stone Center for Latin American Studies

School of Medicine

School of Science & Engineering