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TU Citizen: Mariam Taqaddusi

woman in a yellow shirt

My name is Mariam Taqaddusi, I am a master of Gender and Women Studies from Kabul University, and also I am a master of Law in Crime and Criminology Law. My bachelor's degree is in Law and Political Science from Kabul University. Currently, I am a Visiting Lecturer in the Program of Gender and Sexuality Studies, School of Liberal Arts, Tulane University. after August 15, 2021, I was not able to continue my scientific and professional activities in Afghanistan. So, I had to leave there.

When I left my country and entered a new country, it was hard for me to be away from my homeland, my family, and my friends, but I was hopeful to learn new things in a new country.

When I left Afghanistan, immigrated to Poland, and then came to the US, I noticed many differences between these three countries, including cultural, religious, social, and legal differences.

– Visiting Lecturer in the Program of Gender and Sexuality Studies